Basic Permaculture Design Course
The Basic Permaculture Design Course is purposely designed to unlock the innate ability of the participants to efficiently and effectively design systems perceived from nature. It is an exciting journey which starts with discovering the language of nature and how it conveys the design of natural systems. From that, the participants will be able to utilize those discoveries in crafting designs for landscapes, management plans, modules or even lifestyle changes that are attuned to nature, resulting to beautiful and resilient projects.

Advanced Permaculture Design Course
The Advanced Permaculture Design Course is a deeper and practical application of the permaculture principles continuing from the basics of Part 1. This is a multi-disciplinary approach in tackling the many facets of this design system. Hands-on activities and more personalized coaching are utilized to come up with more technical designs for projects.

Social Permaculture
The Social Permaculture course capacitates oneself through re-discovering the ecology of being human. Drawing out from the concept of ecology, it focuses on the power of harmonious relationships in creating systems that harness strong and resilient permaculture systems. It aims to draw out the intrinsic power of a person to create, not just for himself, but also to contribute to a more caring and sharing culture in a group, organization or community in safeguarding our common home. It utilizes the patterns of natural systems as a guide in human interactions and organizational development.

Bamboo Training
This is a comprehensive workshop which tackles planting, harvesting, processing and crafting of bamboo plants, furniture, handicrafts and structures. We guarantee that by the end of this training, you will be able to construct or craft something as your output.